Conflict Resolution: Tips, Tricks, Traps, & Tools
This introductory course provides the foundational theories and tools necessary to equip you with the core knowledge needed to navigate the intersection of logic and emotion in your personal and professional lives. This interactive program provides the conflict resolution and communication tools necessary to reach “resolutions,” not just “settlements” where both sides walk away unhappy! Its focus is on resolving conflict for success. Learn to disagree without being disagreeable, explore—not debate, build relationships—not cases, and fix problems—not blame.
1) Understand Conflict and Conflict Resolution Theory
2) How to Navigate the Disconcerting Intersection of “Logic and Emotion”
3) Understand Your Conflict Mode and Learn How to Manage the Modes of Others
4) Comfortably Utilize Communication Techniques During Conflict
5) Select and Execute Practical Conflict Resolution Tools
6) Practical Tools to Diagnose, Manage, and Resolve Conflict