Mediation and Negotiation Consultation |
Fact-finding |
Mediation Training and Skills Enhancement |
Med-Arb |
Preparation of Lawyers and Parties for Mediation |
Summary Jury Trials |
Representation of Parties and Lawyers in Mediation and Negotiation |
ACR - Association for Conflict Resolution (formerly SPIDR -
Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution) |
Cleveland Bar Association Board of Trustees (1990-1993), Grievance Committee (past Chair), Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution (Chair 2005-2006), Judicial Selection Committee |
American Bar Association (Section of Alternative Dispute Resolution) |
MANO – Mediation Association of Northeast Ohio |
Judicial Conference of the Eighth Judicial District of Ohio |
Federal Panel of the U.S. District Court Northern District of Ohio (of Mediators and Evaluators) |