Featured Collaborative Placement

With our Featured Collaborative Placement, your name and practice information are displayed on every page of Mediate.com and at CollabLaw.com for every single visitor to both sites from your selected area code(s).

How It Works

When visitors come to Mediate.com and CollabLaw.com, we identify their area code and then we display a limited number of Collaborative Professionals at the top of every page of Mediate.com and on the CollabLaw.com home page.

Limited Availability

Order Your Featured Collaborative Placement Today!

Sample Collaborative Practice Placement

Be At Top of Mediate.com & CollabLaw.com!  With a Featured Collaborative Placement, your practice information is displayed at the top of every page of Mediate.com and CollabLaw.com for all visitors from your selected area code(s)! 


  • $39/mo or $390/yr for your first Featured Placement
  • $29/mo or $290/yr for your second placement
  • $19/mo or $190/yr for your third and additional placements

Join Mediate.com and CollabLaw.com as a Premium Member:

Join Mediate.com and list your professional services in the Mediate.com Directory plus in up to 6 additional Professional ADR Directories!  Your membership provides you with:

  • Up to 7 ADR Professional Directory Listings
  • Full Mediate.com content access
  • Our weekly newsletter: This Week in Mediation
  • A 20% discount on all courses at Mediate University and
  • Mediator liability insurance eligibility.  

$390/yr or $39/mo

Combine with Featured Placement and Save:  $69/mo or $690/yr 

