ADA Section

ADA Mediation Articles

Judith Cohen

ADA Mediation Refresher

(8/19/21)Judith Cohen

I think it might be time for a refresher on ADA Mediation, * a topic I have written and trained on frequently – but not for a while now.

ADA Mediation Guidelines

(7/05/21)ADA Mediation Guidelines Work Group

The ADA Mediation Guidelines for mediation providers are the product of a national Work Group convened to develop mediation practice Guidelines unique to conflicts arising under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Clare Fowler

Changing Standards

(6/08/21)Clare Fowler has been around for over 25 years! During this time we have published thousands of articles, and watched the mediation field grow in numerous unforeseen ways. We have also seen certain mediation standards change and improve.

Heather Kennedy

Creating Accessible Mediation

(10/09/20)Heather Kennedy

This paper summarizes legal and ethical reasons for accessible meditations and provides a summary of how to accomplish this goal.

Heather Kennedy

Recent Court ADA Case Review for Conflict Resolution Practitioners

(7/16/20)Heather Kennedy

This paper discusses the emphasis of Alternate Dispute Resolution in the field of ADA and Disability Discrimination and then provides a more detailed review of recent Title I and Title III cases.

Ryan Compton

Disability Mediation : An Overview

(6/14/18)Ryan Compton

This article is to give an over view of the use of disability mediation and a case study. The article will highlight some of the benefits of utilizing specialist mediators, confidentiality and why disability mediation works.

Jeanne Cleary

On the Question of a Party's Capacity to Use Mediation

(8/21/15)Jeanne Cleary

A mediator came to me for a consult with an intriguing situation while co-mediating a Harassment Prevention case in a local court. I analyze the situation in this article.

Judith Cohen

The ADA Mediation Guidelines: A Community Collaboration Moves the Field Forward

(7/21/11)Judith Cohen

The ADA Mediation Guidelines: A Community Collaboration Moves the Field Forward describes the various issues such as accessible process and informed consent faced by a group of twelve mediators and how they resolved these issues. This group, known as the ADA Mediation Guidelines Work Group, evolved from informal discussions regarding the lack of standards in ADA mediation and the need to address the quality of the process. The article closes with a view at the impact of the Guidelines on the field and future issues to consider.

William D. Goren

Concept of Undue Hardship and Reasonable Accommodation in the Employment Context

(5/07/07)William D. Goren

What is a reasonable accomodation in the employment context? Under the ADA, reasonable accommodation is defined in the negative. More specifically, a reasonable accommodation is anything that does not constitute an undue hardship. Thus, it becomes imperative to know what an undue hardship is.

Judith Cohen

Workplace Disability Conflict Management

(10/03/06)Judith Cohen

The publication of “Workplace Disability Conflict Management Best Practices” below brings us full circle in a sense. Our focus has shifted from ADA mediation as a specialized field of practice to its current integration as “ADA conflict management practices” into standard operating procedure at many organizations.

Questions and Answers for Parties to Mediation: Mediation and the Americans with Disabilities Act

(3/04/06) U.S. EEOC, National Council on Disability & U.S. Department of Justice

This guide helps individuals with disabilities and their representatives understand their rights and responsibilities when mediating equal employment opportunity (EEO) disputes.

EEOC National Mediation Program ZZZZZ

EEOC's 10 Reasons to Mediate

(8/10/05)EEOC National Mediation Program

The new video 10 Reasons to Mediate introduces businesses to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) National Mediation Program.

Mediation Capacity and Self-Determination: A Recommendation On The Model Standards Of Conduct

(7/08/03)Association of the Bar of NY , Committee on Legal Issues Affecting People with Disabilities

The recommended revision of the Model Standards of Conduct, submitted by the ADR Committee and the Committee on Legal Issues Affecting People with Disabilities of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, addresses the current bias that mediation capacity has a primary impact on people with disabilities. The recommendation points out that when capacity issues arise, whether disability-related or not, the mediator has an ethical obligation to explore the issues with the party.

Patricia Porter

Maximizing Effective Participation

(7/08/03)Patricia Porter

This article examines the broader issues of party capacity or the ability for participants to be effective in their own mediation process. And, in order for the mediation process to have some evidence of success, great value should be placed on the pre-session planning process. In doing so, conveners can explore with disputants and guide them on how they might be the most effective participant.

Ellen Waldman

Lessons from the Bioethics Field

(7/08/03)Ellen Waldman

Ellen Waldman wrestles with the difficult question of mediator responsibility when a surrogate is charged with representing a disputant’s interests, but appears to be pursuing a different agenda.

Addressing Capacity: What Is the Role of the Mediator?

(7/08/03) Erica Wood

Since we want people to mediate their disputes, mediators should begin by assuming capacity and should be loathe to exclude a party based on lack of capacity – should set the bar low. Yet mediators also must ensure that if a conflict is mediated a party in fact can understand the process and abide by the outcome.

It is Not a Disability Issue

(7/08/03)Kathleen Blank

The issue of party capacity to mediate comes up with some frequency in the context of disputes involving one or more parties with a disability. Although capacity is an issue that applies to parties who are not people with disabilities, parties with disabilities more often may be judged unfairly as lacking in capacity.

Tim Hedeen

Ensuring Self-Determination through Mediation Readiness: Ethical Considerations

(7/08/03)Tim Hedeen

To exercise self-determination, disputants must possess the capability to participate effectively in the process, a topic of recent inquiry. This article will examine a few implications of self-determination for mediation practice.

Judith Cohen

Fulfilling Your Obligations on Mediation Capacity

(7/08/03)Judith Cohen

Mediators need to be concerned when parties face obstacles to self-determination, a core value in mediation. When a party appears to have difficulty comprehending the mediation process, or seems unable to participate actively, the mediator needs to step back and explore those obstacles with the party. As mediation has moved into the legal arena, where parties are normally represented by counsel, the mediator may be less concerned about the party’s self-determination and informed decision-making.

Judith Cohen

Convening for Enhanced Self-Determination and Access to the Process

(7/07/03)Judith Cohen

If confidentially is the heart of mediation, self-determination is its soul. The success of any mediation depends on the parties’ self-determination – that is, their ability to make voluntary, uncoerced, informed decisions. From that perspective, it is disturbing that mediators so frequently find ourselves engaged with parties who seem unprepared to mediate effectively.

Remarks From The ADA Editors

(3/25/03)Judith Cohen, Patricia Porter

A multitude of conflict situations from interpersonal disputes to work performance issues, EEO complaints and grievances abound in the workplace. Misperceptions, lack of knowledge, miscommunication, and attitudes surrounding employees with disabilities are also potential sources of workplace conflict and may compound the other typical conflict areas.

Debra Dupree

Mediating Reasonable Accommodations for ADA Cases: What every mediator needs to know

(3/17/03)Debra Dupree

When faced with the impact of disability in the workplace, both the employee and employer often lack appropriate information about the interactive reasonable accommodation process, their rights and responsibilities under the law, and the disability itself.

Judith Cohen

ADA Mediation Guidelines: An Ongoing Endeavor

(3/17/03)Judith Cohen

The three-year process of developing the ADA Mediation Guidelines, housed at the Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, saw a tremendous collaboration with mediators, stakeholders and advocates. As the Work Group intended, the collaborative process that created the Guidelines has continued in the intervening years. This article addresses some of the resulting developments, the most significant of which have been in the areas of accommodation and mediation capacity, and the author's observations and reflections.

Considerations for Mediating with People Who Are Culturally Deaf

(1/06/03) Annette Leonard, Deb Duren, & John Reiman

Historically, mediation has not been an effective venue for dispute resolution for Deaf people because of linguistic inaccessibility and cultural non-recognition. Like other linguistic minority groups who experience and resolve conflict in a manner consistent with their social and communicative norms Deaf people have some unique perspectives. The following article illuminates some of these perspectives and explains how mediators can address these differences when working with Deaf people, in order to make mediation a more linguistically and culturally respectful and responsive endeavor.

Judith Cohen

ADA Mediation-Important Challenges Remain

(10/13/02)Judith Cohen

While many mediation providers have incorporated the ADA Mediation Guidelines into their practice, there remain gaps in practice areas. This editorial addresses two major areas that need work. 1) To a large extent, codes of conduct still do not reflect current disability rights and obligations in the mediation context. 2) Organizational providers, by and large, have not implemented effective procedures for accommodating mediation participants who have disabilities.

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