Elder Mediation Section

Elder Mediation Articles

Kamela Love

Why are You and Your Sibling Fighting Over Your Parent's House?

(4/04/22)Kamela Love

Your sibling is arguing with you everywhere you turn, demanding things be done a certain way, the way she/he wants. Sound familiar?

Roseann Vanella

Why is Gray Divorce Becoming Increasingly Common?

(11/22/21)Roseann Vanella, Carmela DeNicola

A “gray divorce” occurs when a senior couple ends their marriage after years or decades of togetherness.

Nicole Lance

Moving from Elder Frustration to Family Redemption: Book Review

(11/22/21)Nicole Lance

Provide insight about the developmental phase of elders, for the purpose of closing the communication gap and improving outcomes. Mediators can play a unique role by translating insights about elders’ developmental stage into actionable outcomes for everyone.

Susan Guthrie

Online Mediation Training Task Force Family / Elder Committee Report

(8/02/21)Susan Guthrie

The Family and Elder Committee was initially tasked with Considering the Following Questions: 1) How can family and elder mediation training be improved to embrace online mediation; and 2) How can family and elder mediation training best be offered online, for basic training, advanced training, and ongoing continuing education?

Jen Schimbeno

Co-Parenting Online Course – How to Not Put Your Kids in the Middle of Your Divorce

(6/18/21)Jen Schimbeno, Brandyn Roark Caires

The ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) ACE’s study, is one of the largest studies about traumatic events in the lives of children ages 0-17. This study identifies three types of risk factors for trauma in children: abuse, neglect and household dysfunction.

Forrest (Woody) Mosten

Full Video Now Posted of Forum on Online Mediation Training

(5/01/21)Forrest (Woody) Mosten, Jim Melamed

The second Forum of the Online Mediation Training Task Force centered on new and emerging issues of online mediation and the training of mediators online.

Frank Burke

Temporary or Partial Impracticability and Frustration of Purpose and Pandemic Affected Contracts and Leases

(3/19/21)Frank Burke

When the circumstances giving rise to the impracticality or frustration cease to exist, then Section 269 affords a party a reasonable time to resume performance.

Kathleen Kauth

It's Time to Talk....

(4/17/20)Kathleen Kauth

Talking about end of life wishes is never fun, and seldom easy.

Sue Bronson

Reflective Practice: In Their Voices Video Conversation Project - Interview with Sue Bronson

(3/20/20)Sue Bronson

Mediator Sue Bronson doesn't rest upon the familiar, but takes what she knows and applies it in new innovative ways. In this 44 minute video, Sue and Michael Lang discuss screening techniques.

Mary Salisbury

Dividing the Burial Plot in Divorce

(1/17/20)Mary Salisbury

This article addresses an often overlooked asset in divorce, the burial plot, and the surprising negative consequences of failing to address this asset in the divorce decree.

I. Jay Safier

Divorce and Social Security

(12/11/19)I. Jay Safier

This article will discuss how benefits are distributed to two people who are now divorced.

Kayre Chatellier

Montana Nursing Homes and Families Receive Assistance to Resolve Disputes

(11/04/19)Kayre Chatellier

Montana Mediation Association (MtMA) received a Civil Monetary Penalty Reinvestment Grant to prevent and delay resident discharges from Montana Nursing Homes.

Peter Adler

Disputing at a Panchayat Meeting

(9/14/19)Peter Adler

When I was twenty-two years old, I did a two-year stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Here is a brief account of a dispute resolution meeting with a local governing council called the panchayat.

Kathleen Kauth

Eldercare Mediation: Setting Families up for Success

(8/30/19)Kathleen Kauth

Working with families to help an older adult identify how they want to spend their final years and communicate it to all involved parties.

Beth Graham

CMS Issues Final Rule Allowing Pre-Dispute Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements

(8/09/19)Beth Graham

Nursing homes are now able to have protection and a clear plan with arbitration agreements.

Dr. Lynne C. Halem

Divorcing After Long-Term Marriage Checklist of Considerations

(7/18/19)Dr. Lynne C. Halem

For couples facing divorce in their late fifties, sixties, and beyond, the questions and issues are quite distinct from those facing younger couples.

Peter Adler

Mediation Dance-Writing

(11/28/18)Peter Adler

Sometime between 480 and 221 BC during China’s Warring States Period, a general named Wu wrote a short and now widely read treatise on how to win a big fight. The highest excellence, he said, is the “sheathed sword,” achieving your goal without fighting.

Sarah Gross

Family Feud? Use Eldercaring Coordination for High Conflict in Eldercare

(11/01/18)Sarah Gross

This article distinguishes elder mediation and eldercaring coordination, and discusses the benefits of eldercaring coordination for high-conflict cases.

Nancy Shuger

Reconsidering How to Honor a Father's Wishes

(8/03/18)Nancy Shuger

This article illustrates how a mediator can assist parties to move from their positions to their underlying interests.

Ryan Compton

Disability Mediation : An Overview

(6/14/18)Ryan Compton

This article is to give an over view of the use of disability mediation and a case study. The article will highlight some of the benefits of utilizing specialist mediators, confidentiality and why disability mediation works.

Peter Adler

The Gang of Fourteen

(5/29/18)Peter Adler

These are dark times, especially if you are part of the loose community of people who by virtue of nature and/or nurture, are of a mediative persuasion.

Jay Folberg

Interview with Jay Folberg - Views from the Eye of the Storm

(5/01/18)Jay Folberg

This is the complete interview by Robert Benjamin with Jay Folberg filmed as part of Mediate.com's 'Views from the Eye of the Storm' Video Series.

Lee Drizin

3 Reasons Why You Want to Mediate Guardianship Disputes

(4/27/18)Lee Drizin

Settling the issue of who should take legal guardianship over a ward can be a long, drawn out, and tedious process.

Kamela Love

Why Are You And Your Sibling Fighting Over Your Parent's House?

(4/12/18)Kamela Love

In this model, the lawyer-mental health professional duo creates a safe container for you and your sibling to communicate authentically about what really matters to you.

Jay Folberg

Mediating Family Property and Estate Conflicts: Keeping the Peace and Preserving Family Wealth

(1/30/18)Jay Folberg

Of all of the cases I have mediated over the past 30 years, the most challenging and rewarding disputes have been those between family members over family property, estates, trusts and businesses.

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