Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreements

It is becoming more common in today's society for couples to wish to protect each other and their families. Thus, they create an agreement prior to marriage. Mediation, a non-adversarial process, is the perfect place to do so. Our mediators are trained to meet with you and your future spouse to identify the issues that may need protection and assist in creating resolutions. Once both of you are in a mutual agreement, a Prenuptial Agreement is created that sets forth your wishes as a couple.

Couples should not be concerned if they think they will disagree on some of the issues. They may be pleasantly surprised at how close they are to agreeing on many points. And, the intervention of a trained and impartial mediator makes it easier to solve any disagreements. All that is needed is a couple that is able to ask questions and openly express their concerns for the future.

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