ADR, LLC associates are highly-experienced alternative dispute resolution trainers and training coordinators. For more than a decade we have been a leader in designing and developing high-quality training programs for regional, national and international bar associations as well as customized presentations in behalf of corporations, law firms, human resource managers, court personnel, judges and experienced litigators.  We have designed and developed trainings for major corporations, lawyers, law firms, mediators, human resource managers, court personnel, judges, and experienced litigators. 

We are available to design a training to fit the needs of any corporation or organization. In addition, ADR, LLC, associates commonly present accredited CLE and CDRE training for national, regional and local bar associations. Join us for either our Annual Spring Family Law or Fall Commercial Mediation seminars in our trainings designed for mediators and experienced litigators.  Our programs are approved by the Kansas and Missouri Bar Associations. To view a sample of previous presentations Click Here.


Friday, November 15, 2024 - In-Person and Webinar Options

  • APPROVED for 7.5 hours of CLE in MO including 2.0 hours of Ethics and Bias
  • APPROVED for 6.5 hours of CLE in KS including 1.0 hours of Ethics
  • APPROVED FOR 6.5 hours of CDRE credit for mediators  


Download 2024 Fall Agenda - November 15 2024.pdf

Download Registration Form - 11-15-24 Event.pdf

Our Topics & Speakers Include:

Dispute Resolution Process in Special Education  - Dr. Crista Grimwood, KSDE

Dispute Resolution Practice in the District of Kansas  - Judge Gwen Birzer

Professional Ethics:  As Depicted in “Suits" - Adina Morse/Larry Rute

 Taming the Octopus:  What Litigators and Mediators Need to Know to Successfully Mediate the Multi-Party Fair Labor Standards Act Case - Michael Hodgson, Robert Hingula and Larry Rute

 Pet Peeves of Mediators and Attorneys/Advocates in the Mediation Process - Panel Presentation of Tim Monsees, Marvin Motley, Robert Sullivan, Michelle Minor

 Overcoming Bias When Working With Individuals with Cognitive Impairment or Personality Disorders - Patrick Nichols









Topeka Office
212 S.W. 8th Ave., Suite 207
Topeka, KS 66603
785-357-0002 (fax)
Kansas City Office
1600 Genessee, Suite 838
Kansas City, MO 64102
(816) 531-1001
(816) 531-1221 (fax)