Conflict Coaching Section

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The Complete Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation's Golden Age


This seminal compilation of "Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation's Golden Age" is now available for FREE! This is a work by 40 authors from around the world brought together for's 25th Anniversary Conference.

Maria Simpson

The Last Question

(4/04/22)Maria Simpson

I do a lot of interviewing, whether that’s at the beginning of a coaching relationship or during the interview process of a team project to collect background information, concerns, and opinions. Here is my interview protocol.

Cinnie Noble

No Shortcuts when it Comes to Conflict

(3/14/22)Cinnie Noble

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going ~ Beverly Sills

Cinnie Noble

One Way or Another

(3/04/22)Cinnie Noble

Having been in the conflict management field for a long time – as a mediator and conflict management coach – I have seen and heard repeatedly the positional stances people take when in conflict.

Cinnie Noble

Lessons Learned From Conflict

(2/18/22)Cinnie Noble

We all make mistakes – lots even – and lots of the time.

Ben Coltrin

How to Coach Yourself Before Custody Mediation — for free

(2/18/22)Ben Coltrin

Some parents hire a coach to help them prepare for mediation. You can save money by coaching yourself. Take these four steps before your first custody mediation session.

Yvette Durazo Great Reads Book Club - Yvette Durazo, interviewed by Mike Rozinsky

(1/31/22)Yvette Durazo Great Reads Book Club - Yvette Durazo, interviewed by Mike Rozinsky.

Cinnie Noble

Conflict Resolutions for 2022

(12/27/21)Cinnie Noble

These are my resolutions for 2022--some recycled that I'm still working on.

Susan Raines Great Reads Book Club - Susan Raines, Workplace Conflict

(11/30/21)Susan Raines

Recording of another episode of's Great Reads Book Club with Prof. Susan Raines talking about the new edition of her book "Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client and Policy Disputes," hosted by Chidera Didigu.

Kenneth Cloke

Mediation and the Evolution of Democracy: Inventing Interest-Based Responses to Lying, Demagoguery, and Fascism

(10/08/21)Kenneth Cloke

Nearly 2500 years ago, Plato warned that “Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.” Why should this be the case?

Cinnie Noble

"Never Ruin an Apology with an Excuse"

(9/27/21)Cinnie Noble

This quote by Kimberly Johnson is a good one to consider when it comes to asking forgiveness, giving an apology, and otherwise trying to make amends.

Cinnie Noble

Beyond Mediation: Conflict Coaching

(8/12/21)Cinnie Noble, Patricia Porter

Conflict coaching, also known as conflict management coaching, is a one on one process in which a trained coach supports clients to strengthen their conflict competence, including their confidence and comfort to engage more effectively in their interpersonal disputes. This process may also be used for pre-mediation to prepare parties to participate more effectively in the mediation process or to prepare for any facilitated dialogue/discussion.

Michael Lang

Online Mediation Training - Mentoring & Consultation Best Practices

(8/07/21)Michael Lang

The term “Mentor” been commonly used to include guide, champion, teacher, supervisor. Today because we inherited many traditions of mentoring practices, we continue to use the term broadly while also attempting to give it somewhat more definition in terms of mediation and related professional practices.

Donna Silverberg

Effective Online Mediation Training For Public Policy And Large Group Mediators

(8/05/21)Donna Silverberg

At the request of, a small group of US-based public policy and large group mediators/mediation trainers met online during the winter/spring of 2021 to consider best practices and ideas to enhance online training and practice. This report summarizes our ideas and recommendations for ourselves, our colleagues and

Cinnie Noble

Do You Model Conflict Competence?

(7/02/21)Cinnie Noble

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means.” ~Albert Einstein

Clare Fowler

Full Video Now Posted of Forum on Online Mediation for Youth and Schools

(6/03/21)Clare Fowler, Jonathan Rodrigues

How can we best support the development of online mediation and online mediation training for youth and in our schools?  This Youth and Schools 2-hour Forum builds upon the 2-day "Young Minds, Global Voices Online Conference." 

Forrest (Woody) Mosten

Full Video Now Posted of Forum on Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice, Coaching and Limited Scope Representation

(5/18/21)Forrest (Woody) Mosten, Brian Galbraith

What can mediators learn from the online experience of other collaborative dispute resolution professionals? How do we best integrate online mediation with conflict & life coaching, collaborative practice and limited scope representation?

Jonathan Rodrigues

New Mediators' Guidance from Youth Conference

(5/18/21)Jonathan Rodrigues, Clare Fowler, Maria Apostolidou, Ilan David Bass, Amee Dharamshi, Melanie Koch, Nisshant Laroia, Benjamin Lutz, Gwendolyn Myers, Olivia Chisom Osuala, Lydia Ray, Sumhiya  Sallay, Jay Patrick Santiago, Salman Shaheen

This article summarizes the Young Minds, Global Voices Conference. This conference was sponsored by in an effort to hear from newer mediators. These 6 sessions comprised up and coming thought leaders from around the globe, forming a brain trust for how to create peace in ourselves, our community and our world.  

Colin Rule

Full Video Now Posted of Forum on Standards, Ethics & New Technologies for Online Mediation

(5/08/21)Colin Rule

Join colleagues from around the world for Mediate's Forum on Standards, Ethics & New Technologies for Online Mediation. Among the featured presenters are Colin Rule, Leah Wing, Dan Rainey and Melissa Kucinski.

Gregg Relyea

Conflict Resolution in the Time of COVID-19--Voices from Seven Continents of the World: Antarctica

(8/05/20)Rory O'Connor, Gregg Relyea

In this time of plague, there is a renewed sense of the value of connection and cooperation.

Andrew Kitchenham

Conflict Coaching: Seven Essential Questions

(7/31/20)Andrew Kitchenham

This article presents Bungay Stanier’s seven essential questions to focus on in a conflict coaching situation.

S Kushi

The Delhi Pact, 1950: Negotiating to Not Wage War

(7/28/20)S Kushi

This article critically analyses the various flaws in the 6-day negotiation that took place between the Indian and Pakistani Government with respect to the Liaquat-Nehru Pact. It throws light on the fact that though this negotiation wasn't principally ethical or viable but was very much required to save the world from becoming a spectator to yet another war.

Marvin E. Johnson

Advice to Aspiring Mediators

(6/23/20)Marvin E. Johnson

Marvin Johnson provides advice he would give to those wanting to come into the field: one must like people, have flexibility and patience, timing and intuition.

Celeida Maria Celentano Laporta

COVID-19 World Disorder and Reflection for Conflict Management with the Use of ODR Platforms

(5/17/20)Celeida Maria Celentano Laporta

A new order of social coexistence, consumption, work, family model, resulting from a revolution caused by the invisible enemy COVID-19.

Clare Fowler

Introducing Clients to Zoom Videoconferencing

(3/31/20)Clare Fowler

This video can be sent to clients who will be meeting online, familiarizing them with the process, and discussing confidentiality concerns.

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