This article is part of a series of perspectives on eviction mediation program development that is being supported by the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution Foundation. This article examines what the COVID impact has been on our culture--what can we learn from this to prevent conflict going forward? Recording of the eleventh episode of's Great Reads Book Club: Jacob Ward talks about his book "The Loop: How Technology is Creating a World Without Choices and How to Fight Back," hosted by Prof. Amy Schmitz. This seminal compilation of "Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation's Golden Age" is now available for FREE! This is a work by 40 authors from around the world brought together for's 25th Anniversary Conference. As if in a way to celebrate the silver jubilee of these first mediation training workshops in India, comes along a very fine collection of writings on the topic of mediation & conciliation. Your sibling is arguing with you everywhere you turn, demanding things be done a certain way, the way she/he wants. Sound familiar? In international contracts, cultural differences and working styles are most often the potential aspects of disputes. Recording of the tenth episode of's Great Reads Book Club: Bernard S. Mayer and Jacqueline Font-Guzman talking about their book "The Neutrality Trap: Disrupting and Connecting for Social Change," hosted by Michelle LeBaron. Conflict Resolution is more than a soft skill – it is a deliberate and conscious effort that encompasses a bit of understanding about psychology, humanity, anthropology, and sociology. Leadership may need to become more attentive to the undercurrents of what’s going on and address them before the situation explodes. Even though the Supreme Court ruling was a significant legal step for LGBTQ couples, the date of marriage may still not be legally clear and thousands and thousands in legal fees could be spent only to find there is no definitive legal answer. Difficult Discussions are labeled difficult because they are filled with emotion and make us uncomfortable. These tips can help you show up as your best self. Like many mediators and other conflict professionals we share the desire to weigh in on the invasion of Ukraine and its devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people. A podcast from JAMS featuring Stephen H. Sulmeyer, J.D., Ph.D., and Hon. Lynn Duryee (Ret.) on the emotional and psychological dimensions of ADR and the impact on mediators, lawyers and all parties involved. This is an article about the war in Ukraine by Tatyana Bilyik and Lisa Parkinson with the Ukrainian Association of Family Mediators. Legend has it that a judge once stated aloud, “the older a case gets the less valuable it becomes” (to the litigants). This article is part of a series of perspectives on eviction mediation program development that is being supported by the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution Foundation. The AAA-ICDR’s grant is enabling RSI to expand our outreach to court ADR colleagues working in the fast-evolving eviction field, and we are tremendously grateful to the Foundation for their support. Contemporary international institutions focused ADRs on commercial disputes for decades, only in the last ten years mediation in insolvency cases. There still is a great hunger in our community to develop idealistic, principled, innovative, and pragmatic initiatives to help people manage conflict as constructively as possible. Russia has engaged in the ultimate hardball tactic: it invaded Ukraine. Imagine you are employed in the human relations department at a university. How would you handle this dispute? Today, facilitative mediation has become widely accepted formally and officially as the means of the dispute resolution in the rural communities of Nepal. This article asks What Is Important When Starting Your Divorce Case? Teamwork is basically doing what’s best for reaching the team’s goals—the team’s success is greater than any individual’s success. As 2022 is well underway and we enter the third year of a global pandemic, economic uncertainty and the seemingly never-ending drumbeat of difficult news, it’s fitting that this year’s theme for Black History Month is related to health and wellness.
Public Policy & Environmental Articles
Lessons Learned from the Implementation of a Video Eviction Mediation Program in Uncertain Times
Empathy In Toxic Partisan Pandemic-Based Conflicts: How Organizational Strategy Can Help Us Do Better Great Reads Book Club: Jacob Ward Interviewed by Amy Schmitz
The Complete Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation's Golden Age
Book Review: Conciliation & Mediation in India (Gracious Timothy Dunna ed., Kluwer 2022)
Why are You and Your Sibling Fighting Over Your Parent's House?
Structuring Dispute Resolution Clauses in International Contracts Great Reads Book Club - Bernard Mayer & Jacqueline Font-Guzman, interviewed by Michelle LeBaron
Conflict Intelligence (Conflict-IQ™): A Tool for Assessing Your Conflict Resolution Skills
Organizational or Interpersonal Conflict?
LGBTQ Marriage, Divorce, and the Benefits of Mediation
Four Tips from my Difficult Discussion with Dad about Driving
Letter to our Colleagues about the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
[PODCAST] Reflecting on the Emotional and Psychological Dimensions of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Reach for Humanity in Dark Times
Lawyers’ Math and Mediation
Survey Data Indicates Eviction Mediation Program Offers Procedural Justice
Mediation and Insolvency, with a focus on developing countries
Assessment of the Dispute Resolution Field and Possible Steps Forward
The Ultimate Hardball Tactic!
A Hypothetical Higher Education Dispute and How a Neutral Can Help Resolve It
Quality Mediation Practices
California Divorce Mediation Checklist
Rebuilding Teams
JAMS Recognizes and Celebrates Black History Month