Spirituality Section

Spirituality Articles

Amanda Rumsey

Conflict Resolution and Religion

(1/01/22)Amanda Rumsey

This article discusses the power of respectful communication and appreciation of different values for working through value-based conflicts. Understanding other people’s personal journeys, which led them to make their religious decisions, can resolve conflict by exposing shared interests.

Jim Melamed

Better Reflecting Mediation to the World

(12/28/21)Jim Melamed

While mediators often assist in the creation of near miracles behind closed doors, our miraculous work and effective approaches are still not well-understood by general society. Might a more effective way of "reaching the masses" be to take advantage of "MEDIATION ART," be that in our physical and virtual offices, on our websites, and, perhaps in time, at bus stops and on highway billboards?

Elahe Amani

Sulha, Community Mediation ?

(7/27/21)Elahe Amani

“Once a wound has healed, it cannot bleed again.”

Kenneth Cloke

Race and Caste, Gender and Patriarchy, Wealth and Class: Mediating the Systems, Structures, and Sources of Prejudice

(6/16/21)Kenneth Cloke

As a society, we have not resolved many enduring disputes, or convinced each other, or even discussed them intelligently, but ended up instead screaming at one another, clashing violently, and being prepared to manipulate, and even jettison the entire democratic process if it doesn’t back the candidates and policies we support.

Shantha Chellappa

A Mediator’s Reflection on Meditation

(5/24/21)Shantha Chellappa

The pandemic has turned our world upside down. This is our reminder to continue to look for peace in the midst of the turmoil.

Richard Hurford

Are They Crazy? No, Just Human

(5/08/21)Richard Hurford

The strategies and practices neutrals pursue to meet the psychological behaviors of people in conflict are central to an understanding of the effectiveness of mediation and various negotiation techniques utilized by mediators in helping parties resolve their dispute.

Martin Rosenfeld

ADR Principles and Clergy-Congregation Relations

(3/19/21)Martin Rosenfeld

It is likely that a large majority of clergy who serve congregations are hired, re-hired or terminated by the vote of the individual congregation.

Ariel Kirzner

Should Employment Matters with Religious Connotations be Dealt with in Court or by Mediations?

(12/07/20)Ariel Kirzner, Bruce Ally

This article focuses on a specialized class of employment law and human rights issues where there an overlap exists between matters of creed or religion and the legal relationship. In heterogeneous societies, people will disagree, sometimes passionately and fundamentally, over socio-politics, economics, spirituality and other beliefs and conduct.

Maria Shanks

Bridging the Gap Between Us

(12/07/20)Maria Shanks

Republicans and democrats have historically been divided by their strongly held belief systems. In the wake of recent events regarding racial injustice, many republicans and democratic lawmakers have attempted to come together to find common ground on the increasingly important social issue of racial injustice.

Gary Clayton

Culture and Religion, Evaluating Mediation Approaches: A Case Study

(9/18/20)Gary Clayton

This document will analyze a conflict scenario with respect to the conflict’s candidacy (suitability) for mediation.

Uma Ramanathan

Thought Synergy Trajectory in Conflict Management

(9/14/19)Uma Ramanathan

"Between the Fact and Non-Fact is the Conflict," this statement is so blatantly simple that one wonders why we have not been able to dwell on this and recognize that this pulsating split second wonder can have appalling or astounding consequences.

Zena Zumeta

Spiritual Side to Mediation

(8/01/19)Zena Zumeta

Zena Zumeta speaks to the spiritual dimension of the work she does - how helping people learn how to respectfully and effectively be a part their workplace and family is a sacred task.

Eileen Barker

What Would Gandhi Do?

(8/01/19)Eileen Barker

While the rewards are great, working as a mediator can be very challenging. We are called upon to help people navigate some of life’s most difficult problems. I sometimes think: If I could seek guidance from any wise person, past or present, who would it be?

Wayne Plenert

Referring Church Conflict to Mediation

(5/30/19)Wayne Plenert

This article outlines what uninvolved church leaders could do: encourage mediation in churches.

Michael A. Zeytoonian

Peacemaking: The Fulfillment of the Legal Profession

(12/23/18)Michael A. Zeytoonian

"If you want to make peace with your enemy then work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." ~ Nelson Mandela

Vicki Shemin

Making Holidays Magical for Kids After Divorce

(12/14/18)Vicki Shemin

When we think holidays, we think magical time of year for children.

Michelle Brenner

Conflict in the 21st century- a revised look at our biology

(10/26/18)Michelle Brenner, Julie Brams

It does seem, as we move comfortably into the 21st century, that the earth and the inhabitants within are in constant process of adaption.

Akbar Kabani

Peacemakers of All Faiths Gather at Ismaili Jamatkhana Plano for Restoring Community Day

(9/17/18)Akbar Kabani

This article covers Restoring Community Day held in 2017, including plans for the upcoming Community Day to be held in October 2018.

Larry Gaughan

Spiritual Journeys in a Material World: Thoughts about Spirituality for Divorce Professionals

(7/20/18)Larry Gaughan

This article discusses the spiritual struggle that many of our clients are facing and our role to support them and understand their concerns as they go through divorces and other difficult conflicts.

Peter Adler

Lessons from the Iroquois

(7/10/18)Peter Adler

In our mediation efforts, once we are in the realm of “public policy,” we are inevitably poking our noses into questions of intergenerational equity and “governance” and how authentic collaboration can be achieved or improved.

Laurie Israel

Does Your Practice Include Church and Synagogue Mediation?

(4/20/18)Laurie Israel

Within the church or synagogue setting, mediation can be very useful if individuals or groups are having disputes or differences of opinion.

Jason Dykstra

Spirituality of Conflict Transformation

(2/22/18)Jason Dykstra

Over the years, I have sensed a profound need for the development of a spirituality of conflict transformation within the peacebuilding community generally and within the Mennonite peacebuilding community specifically.

Lester L. Adams

The Four Questions Of Anger

(12/15/17)Lester L. Adams

If we are to ever have greater success at resolving our disagreements with each other, we have to deal with the destructive anger that causes us to start disagreements, fuels the flames of opposition, and keeps us fighting each other even when we have a way out of conflict.

Denisha Shah

Ten Reasons Why Mediation Creates a Holistic Approach in Generating More Love & Compassion in Family Conflicts

(9/29/17)Denisha Shah

The article is about general foundations and principles of family conflicts in relationship to mediation focus. The overall article is a summary study in 10 steps for family conflicts through mediation process.

Shirli Kirschner

ADR and Religion

(9/08/17)Shirli Kirschner

What is the relevance of religion to ADR? This question is very different to considering the relevance of ADR to religion.

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