Overview > Staff Documents

Staff Documents

To create a central place for staff simply create a new case record and add staff to that record.  This will allow all the staff that you've added to that case to access any documents, staff meetings, or confidential information.  

1) In the Cases Hub, click "Add New Case."

2) After you have added that case, click on it and add all of the relevant information in that record that you want your staff to have access to.  

Office documents, instructions, office meetings etc.

3) Next add all of the staff to that case that you would like to have access.  

Please note that you can add as many staff as you like.  As with adding parties to a case, every time you Update the Case Record, the Case Manager will add room for another. 

4) Finally, let your staff know (you can send an email to all approved staff directly from the Record).  

They will be able to access this information every time they log-in simply by clicking on the Staff Info record.